Che Wilson
Ngāti Rangi
Ko Che te Perehitini o te Pāti Māori, ā, ko te whakahaere taiao me te whakahaeretanga ā-iwi āna tino aronga. Kua whai tohu paetahi ia, mō ngā kaupapa e pā ana ki te whanaungatanga ā-ao, ki te tōrangapū me te reo Māori.
I noho hoki ia ki ngā rekereke o ngā tohunga ahurewa whakamutunga o Whanganui, ki te ako i ngā ruruku, ngā tātai whakapapa, ngā tikanga whaikōrero, ngā waiata tawhito me te mau rākau.
He nui āna mahi whai hua i roto i ngā kaupapa ahurea, hei kaitito, hei kaiwhakaari, hei kaituhi, hei kaitiaki taonga, hei kaiwhakamāori, hei mema hoki o tētahi tarahiti tuku ohaoha kei Harvard, o Cultural Survival. E poho kererū ana a Che i tētahi kaupapa nāna i ārahi i roto i ōna haukāinga – i Raetihi, i Ohakune, i Waiōuru – hei whakatipu i ngā tūmanako ā-pāpori, ā-ōhanga hoki o te iwi. Ki a ia, ko te kaupapa o Ruapehu Whānau Transformation, te whakatinanatanga o Whānau Ora: mēnā ka whakapono koe ki te whānau, ka puta mai ngā hua.
We need to have the courage to move from being independent to being interdependent.
We should all have a time when we go away by ourselves, like our tūpuna used to. They would go into the bush, and my away time now is when I go overseas. When I’m away from distraction, I can wānanga and refresh. It’s about recalibrating the knowledge you have and the knowledge that you’ve acquired since the last recalibration. So yeah, shake it up! Anything that’s not useful, it falls off and then you recalibrate. You get on to the Tikaraina and that helps you to absorb – helps your whole body to absorb that knowledge.